Hair Removal & Restoration

Advanced Hair Removal & Restoration Solutions

At Young & Radiant, we recognize the significance of having healthy, beautiful hair. We provide a wide array of hair restoration and hair reduction treatments to address various concerns and help you achieve your desired look.

Hair Restoration

For individuals facing hair loss, we offer advanced, non-surgical solutions to enhance hair growth and restore a fuller head of hair. Some of our options include:

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: This treatment uses your own platelets to stimulate scalp circulation and promote hair follicle growth.
  • Revolutionize Your Hair Restoration with Exosomes: Experience the latest in hair restoration with our exosome treatment at Young & Radiant Med Spa. This innovative therapy encourages natural hair growth without implants. Join those who have transformed their hair and confidence. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about this groundbreaking treatment!
  • Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): This therapy employs targeted light energy to foster hair growth and improve scalp health.
  • Scalp Micropigmentation: This non-surgical procedure creates the illusion of thicker hair by depositing pigment into the scalp.

Hair Reduction

Unwanted hair can be a concern for many. We provide safe and effective laser treatments using advanced technology to permanently reduce hair growth. Our experienced technicians will recommend the most suitable laser for your skin type and hair color, ensuring optimal results.

Personalized Consultations

Here at Young & Radiant, we believe everyone deserves to feel confident in their hair. During a personalized consultation, our hair specialists will assess your specific needs and recommend the most effective treatment plan to achieve your hair restoration or hair reduction goals. Our tailored approach ensures that each client receives the best possible care.

Schedule a consultation today and unlock the potential for healthier, more beautiful hair!

Unlock the Benefits of Exosomes for Amazing Hair Regrowth.

Client undergoing exosome hair restoration therapy at Young & Radiant wellness center

Hair loss affects millions worldwide, causing distress and lowering self-confidence. Recent biotech advancements have introduced exosome therapy, a groundbreaking hair restoration method that has shown astonishing results.

Understanding Exosomes and Their Role in Hair Growth

Exosomes are tiny vesicles derived from stem cells that facilitate cell communication and regeneration. They carry proteins, lipids, mRNA, and miRNA, which transfer genetic information and promote healing and cell growth. For hair restoration, exosomes deliver growth factors that rejuvenate the scalp, enhance follicular regeneration, and stimulate hair growth effectively.

My Personal Journey to Hair Recovery

After trying various products and treatments with little success, I discovered a company that utilized exosome therapy in a unique way. Following their protocol, I observed new hair growth in just three weeks. By the end of the 12-week program, my hair density had increased by 50%, and my hair grew thicker and faster. This experience highlighted the potential of targeted biotechnological innovation in hair restoration.

The Science Behind Exosome Therapy for Hair Loss

Exosome therapy involves applying exosomes to the scalp, encouraging hair follicles to transition from the resting phase to the active growth phase. The therapy modulates the inflammatory response, improves cellular survival, and enhances cell proliferation within the hair follicle environment. Growth factors and proteins in exosomes, such as VEGF, TGF-beta, and PDGF, are crucial for promoting hair growth and maintaining scalp health.

Advantages of Exosome Therapy Over Traditional Treatments

  • Non-invasive: No incisions or significant downtime, unlike hair transplants.
  • Natural Growth: Stimulates the body’s cells to correct deficiencies and enhance regeneration, leading to natural-looking hair growth.
  • Safety: Utilizes biocompatible materials derived from cultured cells, with minimal risk of adverse reactions.

What to Expect from Exosome Hair Restoration

Exosome therapy typically involves a simple, in-office procedure where exosomes are injected into the scalp. Most individuals can resume daily activities immediately. While results may vary, many people notice significant improvements in hair density and health within a few weeks.


Exosome therapy offers new hope for those struggling with hair loss. As someone who has benefited from this technology, I can attest to its effectiveness and transformative potential. For anyone exploring hair loss solutions, exosome therapy is a cutting-edge, promising option that can significantly improve hair density and boost self-esteem.

Laser hair removal like never before

Client receiving laser hair removal treatment on legs at Young & Radiant Med Spa

Safely Target All Skin & Hair Types:

Treat all skin and hair types with the same handpiece. The Nub Ice 300 has a wavelength handpiece that has been clinically validated to achieve a 95.5% improvement and an 90% decrease in hair density on skin types VI – V, with no reported adverse events

Faster than Ever:

The Nub Ice 300 technology and larger spot size provide the most optimal treatment coverage. Treat both arms in 10-15 minutes, both legs in 20-25 minutes, or a full back in 5-7 minutes.

Treatment Efficiency:

The Nub Ice 300 technology and larger spot size provide the most optimal treatment coverage. Treat both arms in 10-15 minutes, both legs in 20-25 minutes, or a full back in 5-7 minutes.

Minimal Discomfort:

Give patients a comfortable laser hair removal experience with the Nub Ice 300's advanced cooling technology, in-motion technique, and optimized protocol through a smart user interface.

Get your Free Gift!

Book your free consultation And receive a complimentary gift of your choice! Whether you want to try our expert hair removal service or indulge in our premium face cream, we’ve got you covered.